50 year service award

brethren from Hill CityLodge No. 456 and Lockhart Lodge No. 690 joined forces in Lockhart Texas to present a fifty year Masonic service award to Brother Bill Boulter. Originally a Hill City mason and latterly affiliated with Lockhart Lodge when he retired to Lockhart, Bro Boulter served for many years with the Austin Police Department.

Holiday Volunteer Opportunities

Holiday volunteer opportunities are available including Coats for Kids and HEB’s feast of sharing. Several Brethren will be signing up to work at these events and you are invited to sign up and join them. Act fast because spots are filling quickly. Please contact Elan Mendoza for more details.

Officers installed for 2024-25 year

At our meeting on 25th June, the officers for the 2024-2025 Masonic year were duly installed and Bro Nate Stillwell was installed as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year. There was a large turnout for the meeting with the brethren and guests dining on some excellent BBQ whilst being serenaded by guitar music.

The installation was performed by Bro Charles Maddox and Bro Elan Mendoza in fine form.

Lifetime proficiency award

One of our longstanding past masters, Kerwen Warnken, was presented with a Lifetime Proficiency ‘A’ certificate at the Stated meeting on 2nd April 2024. Bro Kerwen has coached and taught over 100 individuals over his time in the lodge and has held and been re-certified for an ‘A’ certificate each year for the past 25 years. This immense feat of learning and teaching involves memorising the vast majority of the ritual work.

The award was presented by R W John Peters from the Grand Lodge of Texas Committee On Work.

Hill City celebrates its traditional Sweethearts Dinner

Brethren and their wives, partners and families gathered at the Scottish Rite Theater on Tuesday night to celebrate our sweethearts. The event was very well attended and the stewards produced a very fine meal.

Hill City at Officer Leadership Training

Four members of Hill City attended the Grand Lodge of Texas’s OLT program at the Austin Shriners temple this weekend. The excellent structured program trains lodge officers for their upcoming duties and helps ensure the lodge becomes the best place it can be.

Pictured L to R are Brothers Ryan Di Vincenzo (Junior Warden), Mark Huerta (Senior Warden), Lee Kinser (Past Master) and Nick Grossman (Senior Deacon)

Supporting the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program

Brethren from Hill City Lodge have been supporting the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program this week. The program provides Christmas gifts for children in need. Colorado Commandery No. 4 (of which many Hill City brethren are members) are proud to have sponsored the program.

Stated Meeting and goodbye for now

Our monthly stated meeting was well attended on Tuesday night where the brethren enjoyed their annual treat of Flemish Stew, cooked by our Belgian past secretary. It was delicious. The meeting also marked the departure, for now, of one of our members – Tanner Dennis – who is moving out of town for a period. We wish Tanner well is his new location.

Fellow Craft Degree

The brethren met on 31st October ‘23 to confer the Fellow Craft degree on another brother. Following a delicious meal from the stewards the degree team performed a superb degree in the newly decorated lodge room.

Hill City meets every Tuesday at the Scottish Rite Theater in Austin. Come and join us.

70 Year service award for Hill City member

Charlie Ingram received his Master Mason degree at Hill City Lodge in 1953. 70 years later, he was presented with a 70-year service award at Kingsland Lodge, Texas. Over 50 people were present to commemorate the occasion.