Announcing Leader-Officer Development Training

It is essential that Officers serving the Lodge be, or become, leaders, so it is inherent in the Lodge’s duty to see that every Mason serving as a Leader-Officer, or who wants to serve as an Officer, has every resource, opportunity and assistance to excel with confidence in those positions.  Your principal officers are putting together a Lodge Leader-Officer Development Training program to inspire, enable and support the Officers, in the course of each Masonic year, to collectively make the Lodge better, stronger, bigger, and more appreciated by its members and in its community than it was at the beginning of their year.

The Worshipful Master has announced that all current officers are to participate.  Any other Brothers interested in serving as a Leader-Officer in the future, or in helping to organize and delivery this training or serve as a mentor, are invited to contact the Junior Warden at or (512) 289-3986 participate

It is the sincere intention of your Worshipful Master and Wardens that this undertaking will enrich the Lodge while encouraging and preparing our Brothers to serve in the line of officers now and in the future.

Read more about this program here.

Meaning and History of the Golden Trowel Award

With tonight’s award ceremony of the Golden Trowel Award from Hill City Lodge #456, we wanted to share with all readers the background on this, the highest award that a Lodge can bestow upon a Brother Mason.

About the Golden Trowel Award


 GoldenTrowel Since its inception the Golden Trowel Award continues to be an exciting means for Lodges to recognize and honor distinguished members with an official award from the Grand Lodge of Texas. It is for use by all Texas Lodges. The Golden Trowel is the Lodge’s formal recognition of a Brother for his devoted service to Masonic principles in general or to his Lodge. It is intended for the Brother who, year after year, quietly, but actively demonstrates his devotion to the teachings of Masonry without thought of recognition or special honors.

Every Lodge has such members. They spread the living cement that builds our Fraternity into a true Brotherhood. You will find them at labor in the kitchens, on the work committees, in public office, on community projects, in service clubs, heavily involved in their church activities and in schools – anywhere that a true and steady hand of assistance is needed.

It is to those Master Craftsmen that the Golden Trowel Award is designated as the highest award a Lodge can bestow upon an individual member.
This award is not intended to replace or supersede any individual recognition award already established by a Lodge. It provides the advantages of a single, official award which is recognized state wide.

How it Began

From the Texas Grand Lodge;

Our Golden Trowel Award originated at a place called “Armadillo Acres” – the get-away home, or country retreat of Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey. In the Fall of 1989 while at “Armadillo Acres” for a bit of a breather prior to the upcoming Grand Lodge session, Grand Master Harvey, Deputy Grand Master A.D. Hanna and Grand Senior Warden Fred E. Allen were discussing possible recipients of the prestigious Sam Houston Medal given annually to outstanding Masons. During those discussions, Deputy Grand Master Hanna opined:

“We are always giving special recognition to brethren on a Grand Lodge level, and I don’t understand why we can’t recognize deserving guys at the lodge level.” He mentioned that in nearly every lodge there are the rather obscure brothers who day in and day out do the “little things” for Masonry and for his lodge, and he does those things without expectation of reward or recognition. He went on to say those are the brethren who work in the kitchen, sweep the floors, do plumbing and carpentry work, mow the yard, plant and maintain flowers — and, yes – they are those who pick up the disabled and bring them to lodge meetings, see to the transportation and other needs of the widows and others who are less fortunate for one reason or another. While talking about his idea, Brother Hanna was sitting in “the red chair” twiddling between his fingers a small golden trowel that was given to Brother Harvey’s father-in-law several years ago when he purchased lots at a Dallas cemetery. The proverbial “light came on” and Brother Hanna said: “We can call it the “Golden Trowel Award.” That is the way it happened, and it has been carried forward ever since.


Introducing the 2015 Hill City Lodge Holiday Ornamment

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Please think about the wonderful work of the Lodge in your holiday planning.

Past Master Philippe Dewailly, who is a master jewelry designer, has hand crafted a beautiful Christmas ornament for our 2015 Holiday Fundraiser.  He has created 2 versions, one in pewter and one in sterling silver.  The cost of the pewter will be $20 and the sterling silver will be $60.  These beautiful pieces will be available at the Lodge in a couple of weeks.  If you cannot come by the Lodge to pick yours up – and we would love to see you – please contact Lodge Secretary Oscar Orum for more information.  All the money raised will go to the Toys for Tots.  Last year we raised $1,200.  With more time this year, we can do better than that. This is a worthy cause and a beautiful ornament.  Let’s keep the tradition going strong.  Thanks again to PM Dewailly for this beautiful piece of art.

–  Chuck Stewart, Worshipful Master
Hill City Lodge #456