Scholarship night
We held a special meeting last night when the parents and family of 10 specialy selected students were presented with checks by the lodge to support their college education starting […]
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that Nick Grossman contributed 42 entries already.
We held a special meeting last night when the parents and family of 10 specialy selected students were presented with checks by the lodge to support their college education starting […]
The lodge met last night for a special dinner to celebrate the long service of Bro Charlie Stewart who is about to move to the Masonic Retirement Home in Arlington […]
We welcomed 35 brethren (and a service dog with its own apron!) to our meeting last night where one of our latest initiates was Raised to the sublime degree of […]
The lodge continued to meet again this week for the final rehearsal of the Third Degree ceremony which will be performed by a team that includes many of the younger […]
The officers and brethren of Hill City Lodge performed another first class passing ceremony again last night. Once again, the team was mostly made up of the younger brethren (those […]
It was Hill City’s turn to host the District Masters, Wardens and Secretaries Association meeting this week and a sizeable crowd met at the Scottish Rite Theater for the event. […]
Our regular meeting on 19th October marked a triple celebration. Two of our long-standing members who’ve now been in the lodge for 30 and 40 years respectively marked the occasion […]
We had another good attendance at our September Stated meeting on 7th September when once again the WM invited our wives and partners to join us for dinner and conversation […]
August 3rd saw the first of our new format Stated Meetings where we invited our ladies to join us for dinner before the meeting, and to then enjoy some entertainment […]